Glorious Volume 3/Kings of Green 1.1: It is not a book, neither a magazine it’s a catalogue of graffiti, which this times comes out in a very special format. 284 pages, a DVD, photos, interviews and high grade focuses. We start by a preview of the new edition of a cult book “Graffiti a New York” by Andrea Nelli, that will come out in 2012. For what concerns international writing, we have Serm the underground Bucharest bomber, with his best photos. From the capital of Rumania to the Chicago subway, passing through Rome and Milan that this time are represented by two special members of the scene, Brus and Erpes, so to have quality and quantity, bombing and style.
We then have the photos of the famous Kings of Green, the party jam held in summer that every one looks forward to, this has also become an environment project that participates at a competition called MercinTreno2011, that has the acknowledgement of the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. This year like the past ones we’ve evolved some of the best writers around, both foreigners and Italian, we made a real documentary, different form the usual 30 minutes filming, but “unique” graffiti stories. If that wasn’t enough, we have the exclusive photo call by Ilario Cardoni and Adrian Oprea, that go behind appearance, revealing emotions and sensation of those who live with writing an deep passion. The Glory is back stronger than ever!
Pages: 284
Format: 22 x 24,5
Language: Italian/English
Year: 2011
Published in: Italy
Dvd enclosed: 31 min.
ISBN: 978-88-904178-7-0